DAD'S ARMY: The Maddies of Manningham slug it out while politically correct incompetent council officers rule roost

billarkins The prospective election of self-righteous hypocrite of sanctimony Stephen Mayne to the Manningham council might be considered bad enough punishment for many in the leafy Doncaster-Templestowe region.

But a VEXNEWS investigation has uncovered a council of carnage out east.

One incumbent councillor running for re-election Grace La Vella excelled herself by throwing a glass of red wine at one of her colleagues, Warren Welsh.

Welsh told the local press he was concerned about being attacked again “I might consider wearing a raincoat next time” he said.

La Vella – to be fair – doesn’t just get drunk when the ratepayers are supplying the grog. Critics say she’s been thrown out of the Templestowe Hotel before for having a few too many which prompted a campaign against the pub.

Several councillors are so old that they attempt to keep their age a secret from voters and are believed to have submitted photographs for publication in an information pack for voters that are as much as fifteen years old. This contravenes Electoral Commission requirements that the photograph be “recent”.

The officers of the council are a law unto themselves, who exploit the old age and gullibility of several councillors to get their own way.

Critics point to the council’s ailing, poorly timed and mismanaged Doncaster Hill project and to traffic problems around the Westfield shopping centre as examples of the council’s failed leadership. One claims the council officers act in a bullying manner toward councillors, calculated to limit information they receive to make them more likely to follow the “advice” they receive.

“The CEO is a social worker, even the director of finance is one too,” a council insider told us.

“A local laws officer is a semi-retired pimp.”

Another explained the council officers had scrapped local Australia Day celebrations out of concern that celebrating the national day “wasn’t inclusive enough” and disrespected Aborigines.


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11 responses to “DAD'S ARMY: The Maddies of Manningham slug it out while politically correct incompetent council officers rule roost

  1. Bill Larkins

    Anyone got a spare Depends I could borrow?

  2. The H man

    Is it a good sex life that keeps him going?

  3. Anonymous

    Wonder if he’ll poll more primary votes than the Mayne man Stevie formerly from Crikey.

  4. Anonymous

    La Vella also shrieked uncontrollably during a VCAT hearing during the residents presentation. The member almost ejected her from the proceedings.

  5. Bill Larkins

    Your right on H Man.
    I am just popping off to pump the Mrs right now.
    Those little blue pills are simply marvellous.

  6. Mrs Larkins

    Bill also used some of my botox for his recent photo too…makes him look fifteen years younger dont you think?

  7. pete

    Why no mention of Labor man Charlie Pick, whose got no less than four so-called “stooge” candidates standing in his ward at Manningham to send first preferences to him?

  8. Anonymous

    Not only has Charlie Pick got 4 stooges, including one who is his live-in girlfriend, he is also spending about $15000 on his campaign. One must ask who is backing him and what they expect from him in return?

  9. Anonymous

    Notice how Bill Larkin has his signs displayed prominently upon developers’ land along Doncaster Road? hmmm…grey army was saying that pension is hard to live on at the moment…

  10. Andrew

    Good riddance to the pair of trash who reckon they represented their consituantes. Talk about a couple of lazy old farts who did nothing for any one. The trash has been finally taken out. Glad they are gone .

  11. Philip Louey

    Interesting posts all. I just came back from the local council meeting (25/8/09) wrt the withdrawal of family day care centers. La Vella was gunning to withdraw this service. Also to my surprise Mayne choose to shoot holes in it as well. The crux of the matter seemed to be cost. About $160k pa, which is 0.185% of total revenue. C’mon! I believe that we should be looking at the VALUE this program gives. Thing of the difference between family day care as home grown compared to a franchise. For me their is no emotional buy in by the franchise carer, the kids become a commodity. The council has voted to remove this program so its a sad day. If anyone knows of how we can resurrect this debate with council then I would be very grateful.

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