Daily Archives: November 14, 2008

RAISING THE STANDARD: Doyle and McMullin will require councillors to attend all meetings

lmdoyle Lord Mayoral aspirant and former Liberal state leader Robert Doyle has expressed concern over councillors not attending council meetings, like Catherine Ng who has admitted that her attendance record “exceeds 50%”.

He told a Herald Sun online forum that “my expectation is that councillors attend unless there is an urgent or legitimate reason like an emergency.”

Expressing similar concerns, Peter McMullin – in an earlier forum – said that he had a plan to get Melbourne’s councillors back to work:

I and my team are very keen to see council standards improved. To that end, each of my team has committed to accepting a $500 fine if they do not attend a council or committee meeting without a reasonable excuse. There are a lot of issues facing Melbourne at the moment and it is important that all councillors including the lord mayor focus on those issues.

Catherine Ng – who has been on the Melbourne council for seven years although it might have seemed like three and a half for her because she’s missed all those meetings – has gone berserk about the rising tide of voter concern about her poor attendance.

Reports of tears, hissy fits, screaming and mental eruptions have added colour to any otherwise reasonably restrained affair.

It says much about her mental stability that this is her reaction to criticism.



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FORM FARCE: The Age disrespects punters and newsagents in latest gaffe

theageracing How much lower can The Age sink?

No sooner does The Age breathlessly trumpet that they have the best Form Guide of any daily newspaper, than they are forced to concede that they can’t actually afford to keep producing it.

Poor petals.  This poignant missive sent to us by a friendly newsagent this week tells a sorry-arsed tale of financial stricture that suggests either (a) Don Churchill, the klueless kiwi klown who runs the show has no actual idea how to run a newspaper or (b) things are even worse than we first thought.  Or both.

newsagentleak Here’s one insider’s translation of what this extraordinary memo (not actually signed by anyone with a name) actually means.

“The Age has produced a comprehensive form guide in paper for the duration of the Spring Carnival.” (We decided to copy the Herald Sun and try to produce a horsey form thingy, because that tabloid rabble has been doing it for years, and, well how hard can it be?).

“From Friday 14 November The Age Form will be produced as a separate tabloid Form Guide which is free with the purchase of The Age.” (Newsprint costs over a thousand bucks a ton, and we can’t afford all the paper it would take if we keep printing this form thingo in every copy of the Age, so we’ll print a couple of hundred for the handful of Age-reading types who may have visited a racetrack sometime in their lives, and if you want the wretched thing, you can collect it from your newsagent, because we’re not sullying our beautiful newspaper with it any more.)

“The new format allows the Age to better service specialised readers with a more consistent and comprehensive form Guide every Friday. ” (If we print it tabloid instead of broadsheet, it won’t send us broke, and, anyway, we’ve just realised that Fitzroy-dwelling, cafe-creeping sociologist types tend not to follow the nags with much enthusiasm, and the form guide was pissing them off.)

“Supply of the Age Form will not be 1:1, but should cater for reduced demand after the Spring Racing Carnival.” (God knows, if we printed 200,000 form guides, we’d be getting 199,000 back as unsold returns from newsagents.  All in all, this has just been a terrible, terrible mistake and we’re ever so glad that this horse racing thing is over for another year.  We’ll resume our previous, more edifying coverage of the Fringe Festival next week and try to forget about those beastly four legged running things.   The Horror.  The Horror.)

“Subscribers will be instructed to pick up The Age Form from their servicing newsagent should they require a copy.”  (If you’re interested in horse racing, you’re clearly not one of our people.  Switch your home delivery subscription to the Herald Sun immediately.)

“If you do not receive your allocation…please call the Customer Service Centre on 13 66 66.”  (We’d like you to tell us if we fu*k up, no really, we would.  True dinks.  But, erm, just so you know, we actually sacked about 14 people from the Customer Service Centre last week, so don’t expect us to answer in a real tearing hurry…..)


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SHAKEDOWN: Rape accuser's plan to "make millions" revealed

Theo Rita Theophanous, the wife of Victorian cabinet minister Theo Theophanous has come out swinging at dubious allegations of rape made against him.

Her story reveals many previously unknown facts about the accuser.

It even offers third party verifiable evidence that Theo was home on the night his accuser claims he was out with her. Back then he was Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council. He had a driver. The drivers maintain a logbook of where they go and when. The logbook records him being dropped off at home at 6pm.

And there’s much more, a chronicle of the accuser’s disturbed personal life and plan to “make millions” from her accusation.

As we’ve noted previously, in Greece, there has been a rash of high-profile sexual harassment lawsuits against celebrities and high-profile people. It’s clear where her motivation has come from.

Rita’s exposition is a damning indictment on a disturbed accuser, a person whose personal life has been deeply troubled and who appears motivated by greed and evil.

And while the accuser’s name is known to VEXNEWS and many media outlets, we are still restricted from naming her. The accuser, operating from a foreign nation, enjoys more legal protection than one of our most respected elected officials. On this question at least, the law is indeed an ass.

Across both sides of politics, there is deep concern about all of this. Concern by some about the allegation itself, it’s a serious one. Concern by many that if this bizarre process could be unleashed on Theo Theophanous, it could happen to anyone. A claim from ten years ago! A broken, greedy accuser with an active imagination and a full awareness of just how vulnerable politicians can be. Who’s next to be hung out to dry?

In Rita Theophanous’s anguished voice, here is the unvarnished truth of one of Victorian politics most disturbing episodes:

hsunfront THE Victorian State Parliament has resumed sitting. In the front row there is an empty seat normally occupied by my husband, Theo.

He remains in self-imposed exile, accused of a crime so awful that it is a struggle for me to fit inside my head that his name (and mine) is associated with it.

The events of a month ago have catapulted our family into a different reality. We have had to reach far beyond the tears and the pain, beyond the misinformation and the public redefinition of Theo and of who we are as a family.

My children are strong. They have never known a life outside of politics. They are strong in a way that only an acceptance of your vulnerability can make you.

But they are hurting. It is there, in the half-finished meals, the distracted sentences, and the laughter just a pitch too high.

This is not the legacy I would choose to leave them. It won’t be.

Our family is hurting.

My father gets up early and scans the papers for any news. He goes to bed late in case something has broken. He is 84.

My niece got asked to go to the country for a few days. She declined. She told her mother that Uncle Theo might need her to cheer him up. She is 13.

Our friends are hurting too. They cluster round offering words of comfort. They help us affirm who we are.

My decision to speak publicly has been a difficult one to make. I am a proud woman and do not easily share my pain. But it is time some things were said.

My aim is not simply to proclaim my husband’s innocence. Ultimately, that is for the investigation to determine, and the police must be allowed to do their job — methodically, thoroughly. It is rather to try and address an obvious injustice: in coming out publicly, Theo’s accuser has put in the public arena a particular scenario.

This scenario, because of the abhorrent nature of her allegations and the graphic detail in which they were expressed imprints a narrative in the public mind which is almost impossible to erase. Even if the investigation does not result in Theo being charged, my fear is that his innocence will always be doubted in many people’s minds.

I have therefore decided to put forward an alternative narrative that the public may consider based on what I know: I know this woman — not very well, but I know her. She was introduced by a mutual friend. Ten years ago, when she alleges this incident occurred, she was in her 30s.

She was an emergency teacher, and studied acting. I believe she had a number of social problems — with money, with work, with relationships — and that was the case well before the alleged incident.

She had a brother whom she lived with who was also mostly unemployed. She moved to Greece about six years ago. I believe they continue to live together, and that neither she nor her brother have had stable employment since.

I know that while in Australia she continued friendly social contact with Theo for several years after the time of the alleged incident, sometimes in my presence, sometimes alone, sometimes with other people, at both public events and over coffee. I believe that many independent witnesses have verified this.

I know that after the woman went to Greece she provided Theo with contact numbers so they could keep in touch. I know that she sent him greetings from Greece at Christmas and New Year as late as 2003, and talked to him on the phone about the problems she was having settling there.

She may have visited Parliament at some stage. There is nothing unusual in that. But on the night she alleges the incident occurred I believe Theo’s then driver insists he dropped Theo off at 6pm at home, and this is supported by his log book.

I also believe that in the years following the alleged incident, while she was in Melbourne, she had several relationships including with a man engaged to someone else. I believe she was shattered and bitter when he chose to marry his fiancee. I believe she tried desperately to continue the relationship. It was soon after that that she left for Greece.

I do not know why this woman is making these allegations against Theo. I do know that she contacted a mutual friend some 20 months ago and told her that she would “be in the papers” and make lots of money.

I also believe that among the first things she did was to contact selected people in the press, and litigation lawyers, rather than police. I have been told a close friend of her family has said those advising her in Greece right now have told her she stands to “make millions” through this. These are some of the things I know or believe to be true.

I think it is important others should be aware of them too in reaching their conclusions. This is because the woman has the protection of anonymity and lives in another country. She may never be held accountable if her allegations turn out to be false. My husband and my family cannot, however, hide from public exposure.

Theo’s solicitor has informed police of what we believe are important facts contained in this letter for them to independently verify.

We look forward to them being thoroughly investigated before police make any recommendation to the DPP, because the mere laying of charges leaves an indelible stain, even if someone is found innocent.

Finally, let me say that when I looked at what I believe to be the facts: this woman’s past experiences; the consistency in her behaviour before and after the alleged incident; her friendly messages and continued contact with Theo for years afterwards, and; the priority given to
litigation lawyers when she finally decided to make her allegations, and I can only conclude that her story is a fabrication.

It makes me sad for my family and angry at the impact this will have for the genuine victims of such crimes.


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COLUMB: No offence meant

Melbourne Lord Mayoral candidate Nick Columb has denied that he intended to cause any offence with his remarks at the Precincts dinner.

He explained to VEXNEWS today that in his remarks he had some criticism of John So and people elected on his team for “waste and wasted opportunities.”

He said they all stood condemned.

During Question Time, a senior figure in the Chinese community asked him a question challenging Columb on that point.

Columb merely suggested – in humour – that his name might be So. Nothing racial was meant at all, it was only a reflection on the person appearing to be supportive of So and disagreeing with Columb’s position of heavy criticism against the last council administration.

Indeed, a Columb campaign insider has pointed out that the highly respected former councillor and eminent Chinese community leader Wellington Lee is running on his ticket.

VEXNEWS has obtained a copy of his speech – quite nicely crafted – which we hear was very well received. Could the racehorse owner and connoisseur of fine steaks be the value bet of this Clown Hall Carnival?

Remarks by Nick Columb at the All Precincts Dinner

Good evening everyone,

My name is Nick Columb and I’m running for Lord Mayor.

Melbourne encompasses many different neighbourhoods, issues, interests and priorities – and your attendance tonight is testimony to that.

So how are we doing? Well, for starters  . . .

Rates have gone up, and services that you want have diminished, slowed down or disappeared.

Is Melbourne a better, safer place than it was four years ago?

As someone who lives and breathes Melbourne 24/7, I say NO, and that is because the voices of the local neighbourhoods have been ignored for the nonsensical and utopian dreams of Town Hall bureaucrats and a compliant Council.

John So, elected so overwhelmingly four years ago, with his deputy and three councillors, has presided over an administration of waste and wasted opportunity. They all stand condemned.

Instead of dealing with the many issues facing Melbourne and its ratepayers and residents, the Lord Mayor has curried favour with a state government that would rather sack the Council again than have someone stand up to it – would rather keep its hands in the city’s pockets than grant it the authority to pursue its destiny.

Melbourne needs a leader, not a cheerleader. The CBD needs police, the Docklands needs footpaths, Carlton needs better transport links, East Melbourne and Kensington need a stronger voice and more importantly, a sympathetic ear.

Yet here we are, as the ballot papers go out in the mail, with every one of John So’s team seeking another go-around, scattered on the various So Council tickets, with two of his team running for Lord Mayor. After their performance these past four years, all should have run alright – RUN AWAY!

My deputy Sue Calwell and I will deliver real change to the Town Hall. Passion for Melbourne will:

* establish a culture among councillors and bureaucrats where listening replaces preaching and restore the local representation we need;
* put accountability and transparency back into the Budget process, cutting waste and funding projects on the basis of need and not whim;
* make Melbourne safer by getting more police and more cameras on our streets, and persuading businesses to do more to help drive out the vandals and the violent;
* revitalise Swanston Street by opening it during the week;
* conduct a thorough roads and traffic audit of the city and act to get Melbourne moving, by tram, bus, bicycle and car.

This city needs a fresh coat of paint. My team has the energy, enthusiasm and experience to do the job. We run because we are passionate about Melbourne, not because we want to revive stalled political careers.

We run because we want to serve, not because we would suffer separation pains if dragged away from the petty Town Hall politics that have cheated Melbourne for years.


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HYPOCRITE: Mayne does deals with those he denounces

Stephen Mayne Concerned Manningham Council residents tell VEXNEWS that former publisher of the bankrupt email newsletter Crikey, Stephen Mayne is running for local council as part of a secret Liberal plan to dominate Manningham City Council. The orchestrator of the plan is current Bulleen MP and notorious ethnic branch stacker Nick Kotsiras.

Stephen Mayne’s running mates, as revealed by the preference list on the VEC website are Gary Addison, Andrew Travaligno and David Wolnizer. Addison and Travaligno all paid up members of the Liberal Party and are strong Kotsiras supporters. The plan is also to crush the hopes of current mayor Geoff Gough who is widely seen as an honest councillor who delivers on promises.

This shows the dishonesty and immorality of Mayne.

He claims to be independent, yet is running on the Liberal ticket. It also shows his hypocrisy. In 1999, he tried to personally destroy Jeff Kennett as a matter of principle. But now that it seems to serve his interests, he has decided to jump into bed with one of Kennett’s most loyal confidants, Mt Kotsiras.


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