FACTION FIGHT: NSW Liberal Right torn apart by feud

The split in the NSW Liberal Right continues to develop in new and mysterious ways.

Forces aligned with upper house MP David Clarke and a younger brigade associated with Alex Hawke MP continue to fight for dominance. Some see it as an inevitable generational divide taking form, others see it as an epic struggle between small government libertarian types and more socially conservative Christian true believers.

VEXNEWS received an email that touched on some recent events in NSW which gives you an indication of the depth of feeling between the two camps.

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Alex Hawke, Socialist MP for Mitchell
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 11:39:28 +1000
From: nick a
To: nickaone@gmail.com

Dear Friend,

Many of you have called me gleefully reporting that (Radio 2GB) Alan Jones tore Alex
Hawke to shreds.

I have, through divine intervention, acquired the audio file of this event.

Please do not ask me how I received it.

Let us just say that the dislike for Hawke is growing by the day and held by people that you wouldn’t even dream.

Now, far be it from me to defend Bill Heffernan, who was a total [c-word – expletive deleted] to me in my dealings with him.

But that’s not who the mounting movement is against.

Two years ago, when Hawke was running for Mitchell, I was telling everyone
and anyone about what a [c-word – expletive deleted] Alex Hawke was.

No one listened. Everyone thought I was wrong. Just bitter. No one else had the BALLS to stand up with me and fight this guy.

Now, until someone stabs him in the back (he lives by the sword so he will receive a similar fate), he has got a blue ribbon seat for life. And he is talentless, and without charisma.

I cannot help but think, though, that everyone was far too slow to wake up to what he is. If the sentiments shared by so many existed in mid-2007, he would never have been preselected. Now tearing him down is near impossible. Then was the time to strike!

Now the so-called right faction is split in two- with genuine conservatives, and socialist libertarians who masqueraded for years as conservatives. 4 years too late people! When our friend departed, that was when everyone should have woken up to the fraud that it all was!

But why o why did so many of you not help me back in 2007?! And you know who you are!

Now, he is in a position of power where you can’t do anything.

Enjoy the audio file.


Someone has been kind enough to send through the audio file of Alan Jones’ commentary. Enjoy…


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87 responses to “FACTION FIGHT: NSW Liberal Right torn apart by feud

  1. Anon

    Alex Hawke – Mr. 9%

    His electorate hate him, his FEC hates him, his former faction hates him, his party hates him. Prime Minister or even Shadow Minister material, not likely.

  2. Alex U

    Sasha will make a fantastic president of Sydney Uni Liberal club.

    If you want a president that organises a single bbq a semester, a crappy public speaker, is a puppet of the future MP for Drummoyne the great Scott Farlow and thinks that Tony Abbott “is the wrong kind of MP for first years to be meeting” then Sasha is the president for you.

    VOTE 1 SASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous

    For them to be the Libertarian Faction it would mean they would have to believe in something.

    It’s the Right v. the Amibition Faction.

  4. Henry

    Alex should get a real job, have a family and then come back to politics. I’m sick of all these fucking career politicians straight out of uni who think they’ve got something to offer us (yes Scotty that includes you).

    Sorry Alex, but back stabbing and branch stacking are not considered to be valuable life experience by the electorate. Get a fuckin life.

  5. Anonski

    Given his nocturnal activities I doubt that Sasha McMurray will go done well with the Sydney Uni Liberal Club.

  6. Henry

    Alex should get a real job, have a family and then come back to politics. I’m sick of all these career politicians straight out of uni who think they’ve got something to offer us (yes Scotty that includes you).

    Sorry Alex, but back stabbing and branch stacking are not considered to be valuable life experience by the electorate. Get a life.

  7. anon

    How is it that Alex and Co can lecture others on matters of Free Markets when they’ve always been failures there.

    Alex has only ever stack shelves and been a check out Chick and worked for MPs.

    Scott couldn’t last more than week at Deloittes.

    Get a job in the real world you Hypocrites.

  8. James

    Hawke is a talent-less, double-headed slithering snake (some may call the 2nd head Nick Campbell).

    Using Clarke’s imprimatur, he used good Christians to stack for him and has now completely turned on Clarke and the people that put him there.

    In the process he has shown that he stands for absolutely nothing but his own self-promotion.

    What a piece of work he is. I guess they don’t call him the little Chihuahua for nothing.

  9. Evil Bastard

    not saying alex hawke is any good, but david clarke is most of the reasons why the alp is still in power in nsw

  10. Anonski

    Is that Evil Bastard or is it Dumb Bastard?

  11. Belinda

    After the election it’ll be clear to all that the biggest thing (yes he’s pretty damn big) that’s holding the NSW libs back is our own resident commie Fatty O’Barrell.

  12. Jonah

    Nick Adams for Premier!!! finally somebody speaking up for the silent Conservatives. Far out. We’ve all had a gut full of Hawke and his weak-kneed responses to such issues as Climate Change, the ETS and the list goes on, oh and his totally inept leadership team. And good on Alan Jones for firing some shots in his direction. I understand Hawke is firing a gun right now (Talisman Sabre) so it wont be a good feeling for Hawke to shoot his gun at night in pleasure, for he is being shot at for being a “wet behind the ears” nincompoop. Quite painful being fired at by the nations number one radio show. I’m sure the residents of the Hills will be most impressed when Jones is finally finished with him.

  13. Shooter McGavin

    Is there someway I can get hold of the attached audio file or listen to the interview?

  14. Jack

    What a disaster Alex Hawke and his small number of followers are turning out to be.

    I personally use to have lots of respect for Alex, but that was until he back stabbed and knifed me like his done to many others all because his paranoid of anyone who doesn’t kiss up his ass.

    While politics is politics, the behaviour this lot resort to is rather sick. Rather than wanting to enter Parliament for all the right reasons, this lot including Hawke and Farlow need some kind of counselling to get over this mental behaviour which is based around a need of feeling important by controlling peoples minds and being power hungry.

    After taking control of the Young Liberals, they now operate like a paranoid North Korea – thinking they are the most important thing in the world and keep power to a limited few who are easily brain washed.

    This lot constantly do nothing but bring the Liberal Party down.

  15. Bec

    Hawke’s Ambition Faction remind me of a breakaway in the Tour de France from the right-wing pelaton. In the search for glory, they have attacked, but misestimated their ability and the unity of the conservatives.

    We are wearing them down! Keep up the good work!

  16. Giuseppe De Simone

    Clarke is a good man. I wish he were in Victoria.

  17. Evil Bastard

    clarke is a good man if you like the idea of the liberal party morphing into the old style dlp. bob santamaria was a good man too, but as an ally, not running the show. that said, i wish we had anybody in victoria to stiffen the spines of our pinko jellybacks

  18. Below are the extremist policies in the Libertarian Party.

    I urge everyone to follow the links below and read for themselves. This is what Scott Farlow and Alex Hawke want to remodel the Liberal Party into.

    How can you help? Ask your branch president of his opinion of Scott Farlow of Alex Hawke. If it is positive, transfer to another branch.

    Drugs, Abortion and other ‘Victimless’ Crimes

    Victimless crime is a term used to refer to behaviour that is illegal but does not violate or threaten the rights of anyone.

    Riding a motorcycle or bicycle without a helmet

    Individual purchase and consumption of recreational drugs

    Driving a motor vehicle without a seatbelt

    Prostitution and/or soliciting for prostitution

    Public nudity and fornication


    Unlicensed prizefights and similar activities of a sporting nature where the players consent and the audience actively approves of what they see.

    Assisting someone to die at his or her request.


  19. Please click on my name to see my new website, with the policies that I want the Liberal Party to have.

    ‘Lifestyle Choices’

    Gay Marriage

    Open borders

  20. Please click on my name to view my views, and what I want the Liberal Party to adopt.

  21. Please click on my name to view the policies I want the Liberal Party to adopt. Yours in Libertarianism,

    Alex Hawke

  22. Alex Hawke

    These are the policies I support.


    Yours in Libertarianism,

    Alex Hawke

  23. Wilberforce

    Isn’t it funny how Farlow and Hawkes little goons aren’t here defending him or his radical views. A notable absence is the infamous Cat Raphael – why isn’t she telling everyone that the Liberal Party is for Libertarians, and Conservatives like John Howard must have been mistaken in joining.

    Maybe hawke knows that such individuals are a liability – or else, wouldn’t he be defending them.

  24. anon

    I don’t have the Alan Jones recording. But we can hear what one of the Rising Stars of the Libertarian Faction, Justin Simon, talks about on Radio.


    Who knows if this is a joke or not, all I know is that it’s sick.

  25. Dull Respectable North Shore Tory

    I read this thread, and now I remember why I avoided the Young Liberals like the plague after my mid-twenties.

    Keep your eye on the prize guys – overturning the damage done by a disastrous Labor government, cleaning out the muckridden stables at GMT and geting the state back on track.

  26. Ozzie

    Given the tenor of comments regarding the factionalism in the NSW Liberal Party it seems like both the major parties have the same problem: individuals seeking political careers without a real commitment to community service

  27. Marice

    The moderates are making a comeback in NSW, and we will claim the top 5 spots on the double dissolution senate ticket.

  28. Adrian

    Factions, factions, factions… I’m sick of hearing about them.

    The problem is the major facilitators of these factions are low-lives with no experience outside of organisational politics who simply want to succeed at all costs.

    They can’t compromise, they’re dishonest and they’re not willing to recognise the views of a majority of Australians.

    Clarke and Hawke. Not bad blokes, but slowly destroying the party.

  29. anon

    The NSW liberal Party is in self destruct mode, has been for some time. Ditto federally!

    As an involved observer, with experience at what types of low life occupy the back rooms and their gutless decisions, it no coincidence that boring, talent deprived, clones (read: Hawke, Farlow (who?),CAMPbell) have gained some power in the hierarchy. That little person Clarke, not much better!

    While this hierarchy remains, chances of power state or federal are miniscule. They have suceeded in putting too many good people off side. Disappear you faggots. People with talent, foresight and a decent pair will reach the ultimate prize regarless of what the faggots who have a say in the party at the moment, say.

  30. Catriona Rafael

    People like me are the cancer that is killing the liberal party.

    I am withdrawing my membership, effective immediatly and joining the LDP where libertarian nutcases who believe in such things as open borders and drug legalisation belong.



  31. Malice Pain

    Howard got Heffo to save me from being dumped from the NSW senate ticket before the last election cos it would look bad to dump a very extreme moderate like me. Back in the day, when The Group was running the show, we ruled the NSW party with an iron fist. Clarkey isn’t even half as good at fisting as we were.

  32. Sasha Uher


    I wish you the best. However I can’t leave my staffer job with a lefty politican, and stop enjoying my overseas junkets.

    All the best,


  33. Anonymous

    So what is the other Alex (Hicks) up to these days

  34. Victor Dominelli Ford

    If Vic Dominelli was a soccer player his position on the field would be ‘Left Right OUT’

  35. Stewart

    His name is Victor Dominello, but your misspelling probably proves your own point! – lol.

  36. McPerton

    There is only one Victor of note on Vexnews, which is I, Cmmr Victor McPerton.

  37. Anon

    Vexnews is ace.

  38. Anon

    At least alex Hawke’s actions have all been legal. Not like Julian sheezel’s alleged corrupt activities, revealed on the hansard record in Victorian Parliament.

    Look it up yourself:


  39. Catriona Rafael

    I’ve always secretly hated you Sasha, Scott gives you all this support just because you’re a puppet. When are Justin and I going to get a proper run at SULC???????

    Maybe I should just move to Somalia – the anarcho-capitalist’s (arnarchist’s for the layman) paradise.

  40. clipposaurus

    Poor Alex….he’d have a great future if not for the fact he has no likeable qualities. When he was a kid his parents had to tie snags around his neck so the dog would play with him.

  41. anon

    Is Henry, Heffo?

  42. Akhenaten

    How interesting to see the Liberal party tering itself to pieces, both Federallly & at the State level. Perhaps when Australians begin to understand that they are poorly served by both the major parties and begin to agitate for a more accountable & representative form of legislature, they might just get the Governments they deserve.The sooner you all kick this entrenched 2 party system to the curb the better of we will all be.Wake up people, this bunch of no-talent bumbs and party hacks will never achieve anything of note or merit other than to feather their own nests at the expense of the many.

  43. Anonymous

    what has happened to the other Alex, the ALP Alex?

  44. goanna

    It just shows how badly we need the DLP to do well at the next election to bring some honesty and integrety into politics again.

  45. clipposaurus

    Yes, what ever happened to Alex Sanchez? The Bizzaro World (ALP)version of Alex Hawke?

  46. All is not lost for the “true liberals”, as most who have been sacked or walked away from the “Liberals” (i.e. conservatives)have joined the Liberal Democratic Party.

  47. Bill Heffernan

    I like to put my willy inside Alex’s anus.

    But please, dont tell anyone.

    It’s our little secret..

  48. Anonski

    Bill, I thought that was more your brother’s interest.

  49. Anon

    Did anyone else realise that was an attack on Noel McCoy for trying to roll Heffo?

  50. Karl

    I see the last few posts are from Ambition Faction operatives. Alex Hawke needs more positions to keep his people happy.

    Interested to hear the Sydney Uni results. Whether Farlow’s hacks have won over the people. Another month and the conservatives would have won easy over this New Left.

  51. Anonymous

    29 – 23

  52. Harry

    Have the results! The Soft Left have held on to power at Sydney Uni. Looks like the late surge in support wasn’t enough to dislodge Scott Farlows’ stacks.

  53. Scott Farlow

    I’m fat.

  54. AKD

    I’m fatter.

  55. Howard

    From the maiden speech of one Honourable David Clarke MLC:

    “The Liberal Party now has a new
    young generation of members of talent and dedication to carry our party forward. Nicholas Campbell of our party’s
    State Executive, Alex Hawke, the new President of the Young Liberals, and his three vice-presidents, Natasha
    McLaren, Anthony Orkin and Kyle Kutasi, are all in the vanguard of our party’s organisational wing. I take great
    pride in being a member of a party comprised of such good young people as these.”

  56. Anon

    Farlows stacks? You have to be kidding. Chad Sidler drops 29 membership forms on the club in the same handwriting filled in with his mentor Charles Perrottet at David Clarkes office and then of course David Clarke rules them in despite what the constitution says about the club accepting members. Yeah…really sounds like Farlows stacks to me!

  57. anon

    Is it just me or does anyone think it’s wrong that non-students should be voting in student Liberal Club elections?

    Also interesting that Alex Hawke’s staff were there, taking photos and acting as Sasha’s scrutineer.

  58. FactsareGreat

    It’s not wrong that “non-students” can vote. Both the Union’s regulations and the club’s constitution allow it. This has always been the case, and it is the same rule that every other Union club operates under.
    There clearly appears to be some misinformation floating around on this blog. If only DC and his bitch, Josh Armstrong, could read and understand regulations.

  59. Disgruntled SULCer

    The winners are calling themselves the “mainstream” – a riot!

    With hard core libertarians on board like Justin Simon, and Cat Rafael – “mainstream” is not the word I’d use to describe the new exec.

    Nice to see that Ben Potts our phantom like former prez is joining in the fun – I’d forgotten that he’d even existed.

  60. Winners

    Mmm…so a ticket comprised of “The Master of all things Right”, the “Fresh Prince of Paddington” Josh Armstrong and a bunch of people they bullied in to being on the ticket (including one who withdrew) is supposed to be representative?

    Disgruntled SULCer why don’t you just out yourself – Jess Noot. Your little Joshy didn’t get up so you can’t be the first lady of SULC. The good guys and girls won and your puppeteers – Clarke, Ficarra, McInerney and Perrottet walked away with mud on their face after months of your rorts.

  61. Anon

    2 staff members of Alex Hawke seem to be a problem for you anon.

    How about 2 MPs (David Clarke and Marie Ficarra), 4 staffers (Charles Perrottet – David Clarke, Ed Dyga – Greg Smith, Zaya Toma – Charlie Lynn and Vince De Luca – Marie Ficarra) a member of State Executive (Dominic Perrottet) and the meanest ugliest members of the Tali – Wade McInerney (Cook FEC President) and Scott Chapman?

    On one side everyone in the room was a member of the Young Liberals or SULC and on the other side it was all the heavies – MPs, staffers, State Exec members and Senior Party bully boys. They were all their to bully members in to voting for their extremist team and withdraw their nominations.

    It’s good to see the Tali are back and this is what they get up to – bullying 18 year olds. Seems like old habits really do die hard!

  62. Realist

    There can be no doubt about it. The “Jews Run The World And Must Be Stopped” Tali (Wade McInerny, Ed Dyga etc) are back, and have joined with Clarke and the religious nuts.

    I suppose everyone ultimately finds friends at their level.

    Thank God true conservatives, and not these loonies, prevailed.

  63. Ghost of Lyenko

    Why do you continue to reject me Liberal Party? After all I have done for you! You turn your back on me and don’t listen to my successor Ed Dyga?

    Why do you make the same mistakes that John Howard made and try to purge me and my people from the Liberal Party? Why can’t you just accept that we’re right and you’re wrong? Perrottet, Smith, McCoy and Dyga are my successors – listen to them…This is your final warning!

  64. Darby

    Lyenko Urbanchich still rules the Party.

  65. Disgruntled SULCer

    How many bbq’s will Sasha organise this semester?

  66. Henry

    Nice to see that Farlow’s finally dusted off his goons and sent them on to vex news.

  67. Ghost of Lyenko

    Henry (Ed) how many times do I have to tell you that you need to post more of your old favourites to get people onside?

    Why is it that you have spent all your time in Greg Smith’s office posting on these blogs rather than writing some very good laws for the Shadow Attorney General. Your old friend Irfan even reminded you of some of them today on crikey…

    “One interesting figure mentioned in the Herald story is Edin Dyga, staffer for ultra-conservative NSW State MP Greg Smith who supports Ruddock’s religious right opponent. In his 2007 maiden speech, Mr Smith described himself as “unashamedly pro life and pro family” though he went onto say that “while I may exercise my right to a conscience vote on some issues I will never seek to impose my religious views on others”.

    Smith’s staffer has expressed less conciliatory views on an e-mail group called “Ozlibs” which yours truly once moderated. In a post dated 9 May 2006 Dyga referred to “the Holy Crusaders (Peace Be Upon Them)” and says Muslims “should be thankful the Holy Crusaders (Peace Be Upon Them) didn’t continue down south and have fun with your metropolitan al wakf [religious trust], Mecca”.

    Then on 12 November 2005, Dyga remarks: “The only religious system that has been in the core of Australia’s development as a nation has been Christianity. Since settlement, Australia has become secular — far too secular for my liking, but that’s just my opinion.”

    Dyga’s views may have changed since then. But if they reflect a wish by the religious right to roll back secularism, they’ll effectively make the Party unelectable. They’ll also be answering Nathan Rees’ prayers.”

    Enshrining Christianity, outlawing other religions and mandatory church attendance in law is just the kind of thing that will get the Liberals in to power. Then Greg Smith will be able to challenge for the Leadership and turn NSW in to the first Christian state in Australia.

    Ed stop spending all your time blogging and start writing those laws for Mr Smith so you can turn NSW into the Vatican of Australia!

  68. Anonymous

    It’s sad that people were allowed to vote that wouldn’t have.

    I hardly see how people can be proud of the ticket that has been elected, since the union rep there on the night remarked how this was the worst run club from the past year out of all 180+ clubs that exist on campus. ABSOLUTELY pathetic.

  69. Switzer fan

    Let’s boot out Hawke and give Switzer Mitchell.

    Switzer knows his shit (unlike Hawke), he’s worked for a range of organisations both private and political (unlike Hawke) and he’s actually quite amusing to listen to (unlike Hawke).

    It’s time to cut the fat the in Libs and know nothing career politicians in blue ribbon seats should be the first to go.

  70. Switzer fan

    Let’s boot out Hawke and give Mitchell to Switzer.

    Switzer knows his stuff (unlike Hawke), he’s worked for a range of organisations both private and political (unlike Hawke) and he’s actually quite amusing to listen to (unlike Hawke).

    It’s time to cut the fat the in Libs and know nothing career politicians in blue ribbon seats should be the first to go.

  71. Anon

    So it’s sad that life members who have contributed to the club over many years were allowed to vote? Do the numbers Anonymous (Josh Armstrong) – the vote was 29-23, take out the life members and you still lose 25-23. The club rejected you and your divisive agenda. Armstrong you must be the laziest piece of crap round, you were so desperate you had to get the “Master of all things Right” to be your numbers man. PATHETIC!

  72. anon

    Pretty sad a few 19 year olds came close to defeating Alex Hawke’s office, Scott Farlow and Simon Fontana.

  73. Anonymous

    5 non students voted. that would have been 24-23. by the time everyone stopped yelling and let the chairperson do his job, lots of people had left. the vote could have easily gone either way. and there were plenty of life members in that room that could have voted if there had been a public understanding that they were entitled to. but no. that was randomly decided 2hours before the meeting. Hell even the 2mp’s could have because they both had gone to sydney uni!

  74. Proud First Year

    Congratulations to Sasha and her ticket for winning. I went into the AGM having no idea who to vote for…

    then i met the great marie ficarra and my choice was clear. that lady was a loose goose..

    to the bald thug (wade?) thanks for locking in my vote, you are a genuine idiot.

    Sasha, Farlow and her people seemed to be the only decent ones in the room who weren’t treatening or intimidating. if they others thought they would win by bring the likes of Marie along, its no wonder they got what was coming to them!

  75. Anonymous

    funny how the group people there were voting with the hawke people, hang on a sec, i forgot, they are the same people now..

    I thought the hawke people were meant to hate the group? yet it seems because they can’t stand up on their own two feet they have to side with the group to get anywhere.

  76. Anon

    A few 19 year olds + 2 MPs, 5 staffers and four months of taxpayer resources from the Extreme Right!

  77. Wacko Jacko

    What is missing from this argument is competence.

    Ben “the invisible man” Potts was voted in last as president and immediately vanished into the wilderness (with a beefed up CV in hand).

    Sasha Uher for some reason was then effectively given the reigns and quite frankly she has done an appalling job of running the club.

    *In her unofficial tenure she has organised a single bbq (the other one was organised by the conservatives). The president of SULC should aspire to create a fun, engaging and active club. They shouldn’t run it to death in their paranoid fear that ppl will realise that they are the losers they really are and vote for someone else at the next agm.

    * She cancelled an event organised by the conservatives in which Tony Abbott had already agreed to attend (Josh and Jess were left to break the bad news to Tony) for the very pathetic reason that he was “the wrong king of MP for first years to be meeting”. How’s that for Sasha’s “mainstream conservatism”?

    * She is a nervous public speaker. Sasha intends to have a career in politics. Politicians are supposed to be fine orators and communictors. If she stood as the liberal candidate in my electorate I would vote Labor, to save the party from the embarrassment of her ever having to speak in parliament.

  78. Anon

    Ok Wacko Jacko (Josh Armstrong) go and have a cry to Jess, curl up in the foetal position and get over it.

  79. Arthur Cooper

    What’s wrong with the religious right in this country and why are they still involved in politics?
    Politics, Science and Religion should be totaly seperate matters.
    Unfortunatly because they are not seperate in Australia, Australia is further behind than the deep south of the USA! We are and shall become more of a joke if we continue on this course.
    As for those whom take Politics as a career path straight out of University, get a life first and some experiance in the REAL WORLD.
    You’re just as bad as the Socialists whom think there ideologies are true and the only way, strange that they change there ways once they get a job in the big end of town.
    I’ll be joining the Liberals in there fight on the Central Coast shortly. Hopefully there aren’t many hard line right wing Christian fanatics up this way.
    You just have to look at Kevin Rudd to see what damage they do to party principals. The ALP has dropped support for everything it standed for, but is now against. Hopefully if the Liberal Party can shake off this religious dogma that it carries, we might have a chance to pick up a few of those whom used to vote Labor! If not, the smaller parties and independants shall continue to grow in numbers. We shall have to bow down to there demands and dish up what the minorities demand behind them to gain support for legislation, that the majority doesn’t even support!
    Change, lets make it happen now it’s 2009 not 1950.

  80. Anon

    It is very sad that being a practicing Catholic is enough of itself to be labeled and condemned as “extreme right”.

    It seems the extreme left will push any lie in order to get some support.

  81. anon

    Funny, that “Threat” blog entry seems to have practicing Catholics comdemned for being Jesuits. The extremists are extreme not because they’re Catholics, as many are not, it’s because they’re trying to take over instead of Mainstream Conservatives.

  82. John Howard Conservative

    I suppose anon, when you’re talking about the “mainstream conservatives” you’re referring to the likes of Justin Simon, Cat Rafael and the “young liberal heavy weight” Scott Farlow (pun intended).

    By your logic support for legalised abortion, gay marriage, legalised marajuana and open borders would all be considered to be conservative policies.

    Pull your head out of your arse anon, Hack and F*cklow are leading you down the garden path towards libertarianism – not “mainstream conservatism” as you like to call it.

  83. Disgusted

    “John Howard Conservative” you are playing the “Farlow is a fat, slimy libertarian” card again.

    Farlow has supported numerous conservative motions at council like shutting down the injecting rooms at the Cross. Just because he thinks abortions are fine and that hard core porn should be legalised doesn’t automatically write him off as a conservative.

    We’re a broad church in the liberal party and we don’t need clowns like Nat and Graham trying to enforce their Naziesque ideology on us.

    And to all those people having a go at Farlow for having a crack at Drummoyne you are really out of line. Farlow has a wealth of experience in the liberal party and local politics. He’d make a rep for the people of Drummoyne.

    Long live the liberal liberals.

  84. Godwin's law

    How many times can Godwin’s law be broken?

  85. GLB Barry

    Good question re Godwin.

  86. Godwin's law

    *proven rather

  87. Hawke’s boys know they’ve bitten off more than they can chew and are fighting a battle they have no hope of ever winning.

    It’s funny that they’ve accused the true conservatives of being facists when it seems that Hawke, Farlow and Campbell are acting like paranoid dictators intent on crushing dissent and marginalising their opposition.

    First they try and block members joining out of area branches, then they introduced their policy to block members speaking out on internal issues, then came the infamous “Mugabe Clause” whereby it is now much harder to boot out the exec of a branch and members preselected by a branch can be overuled by the state exec.

    Now in true fascist style they’ve crossed another ethical bridge and are resorting to violence to contain the resistance from their factional foes.

    Well done ambition faction. Robert Mugabe would be pround.


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